Any Handouts
for the Game?
When does the
game take place?
Where does the
 game start?

Steward & King
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Encyclopedia Of Arda

The shock caused by the mysterious disappearance of the famous Mr. Bilbo Baggins from his own 111th birthday party has scarcely abated in the six months since its occurrence. Indeed, though in the Shire the winter had been mild and unusually short, Hobbits spent many an evening warming themselves before their fireplaces, or safely ensconced in the many public houses of Hobbiton and Bywater, retelling and embellishing the stories of Mad Baggins, his strange ways, and most of all, his wondrous wealth.

Even as far as Bree, the story had been heard, though in a much debased form, the individual names lost in the telling and the specifics of the event changed almost beyond recognition. Yet the stories out of the Shire were often queer, as they said in Bree, and few gave credence to them.

And if the story had reached as far East as the Last Homely House of Rivendell, it is to be doubted that many connected it with  Elrond’s small guest who the previous Autumn had come to visit. No, the Elves of Elrond's house were mostly concerned with dreams of Valinor in the Uttermost West.

Meanwhile, the Dunedain keep their cold guard over the Shire and Ancient Arnor, dreaming of duty, honor, and their lost glory.