Hurricane Charley - Recovery

Our power was out for a full week, and because of the many, many trees that were toppled in the storm throughout the Central Florida area, it was difficult to find a tree removal service that was free to do the job. However, on Thursday, August 19, the Progress Energy crew (this one from North Carolina) came by and powered up the neighborhood; and the following day, Tri-County Tree removed the carcass of the beast.


Santa Claus in a cherry picker! We couldn't have been happier to see him arrive.
Santa's helpers attach the service cable to our brand new riser.
Later on, power company tree crew came by to cut off the branches that might endanger the newly-run lines.
The Tri-County Tree crew saws up our beloved tree.
Chain saws are very useful, as we all found out in the aftermath of the storm, but they are essential when dissecting a behemoth.
The secret to their success: Try-County hires a Bobcat to remove the pieces.
The barricade is complete; now, we wait for the county to come by and gather up the wreckage.